25 year old Nadia Mukami is almost wrapping up her US tour before returning home.
She told a curious fan, who wondered if she had permanently left Kenya, that she is almost done with the US but would certainly not mind living there
“I love Kenya but I wouldn’t mind relocating it’s a good place ya kuraise watoto”
Nadia will also vacay after concluding the US tour then jet back to Kenya.
This also raised the question of if she already has children. Nadia was asked ‘How many kids do you have?”
She responded “waiting on God”
Nadia is in the US with Arrow Boy and the two are dating. A curious fan asked her how many times she has broken up with him, perhaps owing to incessant rumors of their on and off relationship.
“Do you ever break up with Arrow then get back together?” She admitted “Maybe kupitana tu once in a while”
She addressed the question “How many relationships had you been in before meeting Arrow?”
She said laughing “I am avoiding headlines nitakuDM”
She concluded confessing the best gift she can give a man “Lolsupport na peace of mind”


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