Karangu Wa Muraya finally meets an ancient Kikuyu song writer Wainaina Wa Kiandege. On his Facebook page Karangu shared a photo of him with this legend Kikuyu artist.

Wainaina Wa Kiandege is known by writing many songs which sounds new everyday. This great artist owns many songs such as as ‘Kanise’ and ‘Ino Thi Ti Yamundu’ mostly performed by every Mugithi artist on stage. Wainaina Wa Kiandege later stopped writing secular songs and shifted to Sabbath Gospel music when he became a follower of this church.

Mr Karangu Wa Muraya met Mr Wainaina at his place in Kiambu county. This is what Karangu said on his Facebook page “I have been looking for this man for a while, I have been one of greatest fans for many years amd this evening I was privileged to meet him.”

Karangu also said that Wainaina Wa Kiandege is a great song writer and on this coming Friday he will escort him to a studio and offer him a sponsorship of recording two songs both audio and video.

Karangu asked people to comment on the songs that they like from him. The reply was full of immense positive feedback as people were happy to see this legend.

By Kenyans

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