Few weeks ago, Irene Nekesa announced her exit from the Bahati’s mansion and many were left with unanswered questions. According to the nanny, the Bahati’s released her in good faith as they felt that she was now mature to go on with her life and empower others.
However, things seem to be the opposite for Irene especially after she revealed to have slept on the floor for three days after lacking mattress and other basic needs. Narrating her struggles, Irene revealed she was forced to take her son Joshua back to the village.
“There are people who ask me. Irene, where do you live? what are you doing? i don’t know why people ask me. Maybe they see that i am not living well. People from social media actually read people’s minds. So today i want to tell you the truth. Maybe you can see that this person wants this and this” She stated.
In her statement, Irene revealed that a kind lady donated a mattress for her after finding out she was sleeping on the floor.
By Kenyans