Popular Kenyan comedian and radio presenter Oga Obinna recently shared a deeply personal story about a painful heartbreak he experienced while working at Kiss FM. Speaking candidly, Obinna revealed how the emotional turmoil affected his life and shaped his perspective on relationships and resilience.
During a recent interview, the media personality recounted a difficult time when he faced betrayal from someone he deeply cared about. “I wasn’t eating or sleeping. I was completely broken,” Obinna admitted, reflecting on the intensity of the heartbreak.
The comedian shocked many with his openness, revealing that he had gone above and beyond to impress his then-partner, including booking an Airbnb for a special occasion. However, things took an unexpected turn. “I even paid for the Airbnb, only for things to go south… and yet, I still went back,” he shared, alluding to the complexity of relationships and his own vulnerability during the ordeal.
Despite the pain, Obinna used the experience to learn and grow. He emphasized the importance of self-worth and not losing oneself in the pursuit of love. “Sometimes, life humbles you, but it also teaches you to rise again,” he noted.
Obinna’s story resonated with many listeners, sparking discussions about heartbreak and the need for emotional healing. Fans applauded his bravery in sharing such a personal moment, with some expressing admiration for his ability to turn pain into a lesson.
Now thriving in his career and personal life, Obinna’s story serves as a reminder that setbacks are part of life’s journey. “It’s not about how hard you fall, but how you pick yourself up and move forward,” he concluded.
By Kenyans