In the wake of the untimely passing of Eric Maigo, investigators have diligently worked to piece together crucial evidence in their quest to unravel the enigma shrouding this tragic incident. Ann Adhiambo, the central figure in Maigo’s murder case, has come under intense scrutiny, particularly after she was captured by a surveillance camera scaling the Woodley Annex Building following her alleged involvement in the demise of Eric Maigo, the Acting Finance Director of Nairobi Hospital.

During a media interaction, Adhiambo’s mother disclosed critical information regarding her daughter’s troubled history, marked by theft-related transgressions. She revealed that, due to Adhiambo’s incorrigible behaviour, she had sent her to live with her sister. However, Adhiambo’s unlawful activities persisted, as she was subsequently enrolled in Rairu. A shocking incident unfolded when the school’s teacher contacted her to report that her daughter had pilfered Ksh 19,000 from the school’s coffers. Furthermore, Adhiambo’s mother recalled an occasion when her daughter returned home laden with numerous clothing items, only to discover that they had been stolen from Toy Market in Kibera.

On September 14th, following a dispute over food, Adhiambo decided to flee her home, ultimately crossing paths with Eric Maigo. Together, they journeyed to his residence in Woodley, an excursion that would culminate in profound tragedy. The world was left stunned when the 16-year-old admitted to the Directorate of Criminal Investigations that she had, in a desperate act of self-defence, taken Maigo’s life that fateful night. She recounted that Maigo had offered her juice, which rendered her unconscious. In her vulnerability, she alleged that Maigo had undressed and violated her, leading her to resort to stabbing him as a means of self-preservation.

Adhiambo’s apprehension by detectives on September 26th occurred at 8 p.m. while she was harboured in a friend’s residence in the Bombolulu area of Kibera Slums. Subsequently, on September 27, 2023, the court granted the detectives a 21-day window for her detention, permitting them to conduct a comprehensive investigation into this harrowing incident. The case is slated for a hearing on October 18th, marking a pivotal juncture in the ongoing pursuit of justice.

By Newshub

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