Education Ministry releases plan for schools reopening next week, urges heads, parents to ensure safety of learners; persons sheltering in schools to get alternative accommodation.
Education ministry issues guidelines on re-opening of schools; urges parents and heads of institutions to prioritise safety of children and teachers as guided by Met Department reports.
No pre-alerts, no warning, no notice, just a message on your phone that the reopening of schools has been postponed by a week, just a few hours before schools were set to start the second term of the year. In reality this is a message most parents would only see the next day probably on their way out of the house. Never mind that millions others would have missed it entirely.
In correspondences, this passes for one more debacle for government. It scents of brokenness, incongruity and sad to say that wrecked phone line. Government was not talking rationally; it was murmuring weighty words incongruously beyond the stroke of 12 PM; madharau.What should be clear, exact, succinct and ideal was not and never has been, essentially with this organization. Other than the out of line treatment it oppressed guardians and Kenyans as a rule, the 12 PM clerical proclamation capers deceived a reasonable feeling of disharmony inside the positions of dynamic in government.
By Newshub