Bahati’s wife, Diana Marua has shared a post to her fans via her official Facebook page, which consist of her lovely photos posing with her daughter Malaika Bahati showcasing mother and daughter’s love. At the caption, she penned down a sweet message to her as follows;

“My Angel, My Daughter, My Sunshine, My Joy, My Forever, Love You mean so much to me than you can Ever Imagine. Our Energies match, and I realise we share the same season. Thank you for being my Scorpio Partner.I Love You”.

Diana Marua’s message to her daughter shows how she really loves her daughter and that is a perfect example to all mothers in our society to always love, appreciate and adore their children and by doing so, they will feel loved and joy. Below are some of the photos that she shared;

After posting this, netizens gave out their reactions towards her post as many fans gushed them with sweet words and love emojis. Below are some of the comments that she got;

What they said about them is true because, the two actually looks together and one must say that they are adorable mother and child. They say a child is one of the biggest blessings gifted to us by our creator and so Malaika Bahati to ber mother, Diana Marua.

Source;My Angel, My Daughter, My Sunshine, My Joy, My Forever Love 💛You mean so much to me than you can Ever Imagine. Our Energies match, and I realise we share the same season. Thank you for being my Scorpio Partner.I Love You @malaika_bahati 🥰Robes Made by @bespoke_city cc @bespoke_city_babies 🔥

By Kenyans

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