Today,on his official Facebook page,Mugithi singer,Samidoh has shared a post to his fans which consist of his photo while entertaining his chicken by playing a guitar for them as they eat their food.Below is the screenshot of his post;
In his post above samidoh used the word serenading which means he is playing music for his chicken to show some love and admiration towards them.After he posted this,one of his fan by the name acknowledged his hardwork by writing that;
“Hardwork pays”.
Netizen above was directly talking about samidoh because he is always working hard in everything he is doing and it has definately paid.He is a farmer and always spends time with his livestock and feed them for more production like what he is doing in the above photo.Samidoh is also an artist who entertains people by playing a guitar and his hardworking has paid him and he is living a good life.His fan used the correct phrase to define who samidoh is,an hardworking person.