Today,on her official Facebook page,Samidoh’s wife,Edday nderitu has shared a post to her fans which consist of her lovely photo looking gorgeous and attractive.At the caption,Edday nderitu shared a message of encouragement to her fans and below is the screenshot of her post;
In her post above,Edday urged her fans to keep going even when the path seems challenging.She told them that they posses the strength and resilience to overcome obstacles and achieve greatness.Her words of wisdom have touched the heart of netizen by the name Dee Kenya and below is what she wrote;
“You awaken my fallen faith”.
By commenting that way,it shows that this lady had lost faith in life but today,Edday nderitu has helped her by sharing the word of encouragement to her and she feels motivated and strong.We should never loose hope in what we do because of the challenges we face,what we have to do is to deal with those challenges and move on as the journey to success is always hard and it needs hardwork and faith.