Famous preacher Apostle Dan Wema is under pressure from his fans, who are asking him to profess love for radio presenter Mercy Mmbone.
It started after the philanthropist shared a photo of Mmbone on his Facebook page.
Is Dan Wema in love with Mercy Mmbone?
He asked fans whether he should go back to Radio Maisha and pour his heart out to Mmbone.
He then asked for their opinions: “Sijui nirudi tena RADIO MAISHA nijieleze kwa hio show ya Mercy Mmbone Siahi ama?? Wadau hebu niambie.”
Fans clearly suspected that Wema could be having a crush on the beautiful media personality.
They thronged to the comment section, urging Wema to shoot his shot at Mmbone.
Interestingly enough, after going through the comments, the preacher stated that he was keenly reading the advice.
“I’m reading your comments,” Wema commented.
Here are some comments on the post:
Mukwa Isaac Juma: “Ukirudi huko lemie know, as your senior Strategist nitakupeleka tufungue njia. Unajua ni vizuri mtu Kujieleza, na penye nia pana njia.”
Yoo Yona: “Ukienda usiniache ningependa nijieleze kwake kuna yalo nisumbua moyo uwenda angenielewa.” Brian Braxton “
Jieleze vizuri Kuna nguvu kwa maneno. Backup Iko strong hapa nyuma Yako tunakuunga mkono. Victory ishaonekana na keki tunayo baadaye ya sherehe.”
Geoffrey Chacha: “Aaah mtumishi…in fact the earlier the better..looks like this beautiful lady stole your heart…please rudi ukajieleze bana…the clock is ticking.”
Mwalimu Ombasa Geff: “Umefikia hapa mtumishi wa Mungu umeanza kupotea sasa.”
Mary Mamake Gloria: “Hii maisha ni funny sana, yaani umtakaye yuataka mwingineni juzi tu yule dam akajieleza vile anakupenda, afu wewe unaenda kujieleza pia, hii dunia aina huruma kweli.”
By Tuko