The drama Neema takes a chilling turn in its latest episode, as Naomi crosses a line that will leave viewers stunned. The story begins with Nia, Neema’s cheerful daughter, celebrating her academic success. Family and friends gather to share the joyful moment, unaware of the danger lurking nearby. Naomi, who has long held a grudge against Neema, arrives with a hidden agenda to strike where it hurts the most.

Seizing the opportunity to play the perfect guest, Naomi volunteers to serve drinks. Behind closed doors in the kitchen, she spikes Nia’s favorite juice with a slow-acting poison. Nia drinks it, unaware of the danger, and continues to enjoy the celebration. However, as the evening progresses, her health begins to deteriorate. Complaining of dizziness and nausea, Nia collapses, sending the family into panic.

Neema rushes her daughter to the hospital, where doctors confirm the cause of her illness is poisoning. Heartbroken and desperate, Neema starts to piece together the events of the evening. Suspicion falls on Naomi when a family member recalls seeing her acting strangely. When CCTV footage surfaces showing Naomi handling Nia’s drink, her facade of innocence starts to crumble.

In a desperate bid to cover her tracks, Naomi denies any involvement and shifts blame to the household staff. However, the mounting evidence and her inconsistent stories paint a different picture. As the family confronts Naomi, tensions reach a boiling point.

Will Naomi’s cruel actions finally catch up with her, or does she have another scheme to escape the consequences?

By Kenyans

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