The relationship dynamic between Wahu and Nameless is something wonderful to behold. The two are so comfortable with each other, that they have no problem playfully calling each other out on social media.
This morning, Wahu took their teasing to another level after she reacted to Maureen Waititu’s latest Instagram post.
Maureen had put up a photo of herself in a nice tight-fitting outfit that displayed her curves. Her short caption read, “Body goals πŸ™ˆ.”
Maureen’s Waititu
Image: Instagram
Wahu responded by cheekily writing, “Yes ma’am!!! πŸ’₯πŸ’₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯now let me camp here for baba nanii πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚”
The ‘baba nanii’ in this case is of course her own hubby, Nameless, who had once gone HAM celebrating Maureen in a previous Instagram post she made.
His comment attracted a response from his own wife. The funny exchange is below;
a while back
Maureen Waititu post a while back
Image: Instagram
As one can see, Nameless and Wahu can rib each other online as they have been through a lot in their 16-year marriage.
Last year, the ‘Sweet Love’ singer confessed that they had nearly gotten a divorce over their religious differences. Speaking during their reality show named This Love, she said,
β€œI have always been born again and of course with my friends they did not like the fact that he was not saved also, one time I told him it was over. Then he wrote in my journal saying he did not understand why he was not good for me,” Wahu said.
In 2019, Nameless also opened up about how hard the first two or three years of their marriage had been for him.
β€œAt the beginning of marriage two or three years after, I was wondering what was happening. Then just when we got married she got pregnant. With pregnancy comes a lot of uncertainty. I almost left at that time,” he said.


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