Police in Kisii have launched a probe into the mysterious death of a couple whose bodies were found decomposing inside their house in Bomatara, Kitutu Chache South.

The bodies identified as those of a man, Dr. Vincent Nyambunde Bosire, a medical officer from Kisii Teaching and Referral Hospital, and a woman were found by the curious neighbours who reported a bad smell emanating from the house.

The residents swiftly alerted the police who visited the house only to find the bodies lying next to each other on their bed.

A quick check on the bodies indicated that the woman might have died days ago. On the other hand, the man is believed to have died a few days before the bodies were discovered on Friday morning.

The officers from Nyanchwa Police Station picked the bodies from the house in Nyamataro and took them to the local morgue awaiting postmortem awaiting postmortem even as the police commenced investigations.

By Nairobi

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