Daniel Wanyeki is probably one of the prisoners who have suffered in jail for crimes that they might not have committed. Wanyeki was jailed back in 2007 after being found guilty of defiling one of his daughter, Mary Wanyeki. Daniel had been charged for defiling his two daughters but Lucy claimed not to have been defiled at the age of 9 in the court of law.

speaking at Metha ya Kagoni during an interview, Lucy Wanyeki who is now 25 years old claimed that her younger sister was convinced by her grand mother to give false accusations of having bee defiled.Lucy further stated that Mary was young and that she could not make a clear decision at the age of seven. She was convinced to claim that her dad touched her private parts and innocently she did it, not knowing that the statement would lead to the suffering of her own father.Photo courtesy -Lucy Wanyeki

Lucy claims that her sister was given ksh1000 immediately after her statement lead to declaration of the court that Daniel would be jailed for 20 years. Lucy claims that her grand mother took them to a children’s home immediately after their father was jailed and developed a negative attitude towards Lucy for refusing to co-operate in saying that she was defiled.

By Nairobiwire

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