A middle-aged woman residing in Eldoret is making a heartfelt appeal to law enforcement authorities to take decisive action against her boyfriend, who serves in the Kenya Defence Forces (KDF), following harrowing claims of brutal assault after a night out. The woman, whose identity remains undisclosed for safety reasons, recounts a terrifying ordeal that unfolded earlier this year.

According to her account, she was invited by her boyfriend, a KDF soldier, to visit him in Murang’a for what she believed would be a pleasant time together. However, the evening took a horrific turn when they ventured into Maragua Forest, where she alleges she was subjected to a brutal assault and subsequently abandoned.

The gravity of the situation escalated as the assailant reportedly transferred money from her phone to his before deserting her in the forest. With immense courage, she managed to crawl to a nearby compound, where she sought help from an elderly gentleman to report the incident to the authorities at a local police station.

Despite her courageous efforts to seek justice, the woman expressed profound disappointment with the response from Eldoret Central Police Station, accusing officers of not taking her plight seriously. She lamented that, even after four months, her attacker remains at large, while she continues to live in constant fear for her safety.



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