Marini Natural CEO Michele Ntalami was faced with some really deep questions from her fans on a QnA on Friday.
Some questions included enquiry of her faith, pain, feminity.
To cap off the question, Michelle captioned a butterfly emoji ‘I am…physically, mentally and emotionally ready to enter a new phase in my life. I am ready to grow and uplevel.’
One fan asked ‘No question. I just love how you express your femininity in a censual way’ Michell responded ‘Awww tier compliment. Be comfortable in your own mind, body and soul. I firmly believe in showing up tot he world as all of you and not parts. Also if you are hurt, HEAL, Unless provoked be warm and soft in your aura. No matter how good you think you’ve got it, or how much of a bad b*** you think you are hate negativity, jealousy and bitterness is the enemy of femininity’
Anoterh person asked ‘Why is your gorgeous self still single? I know that’s a personal question, sorry’
Michele told the person not to apologize ‘Healing…My faith in love especially in htis city has been shaken quite a bity.I dont want ot commit to anything serious for now until I’m healed happy and whole again. Right now all my love energy and focus is on ME’
Another question was about beign atteracted to women ‘So you are not attracted to ? I’m sad You’re my biggest crush’
Michele added ‘Haha sadly no I’m not physically attracted to to feminine women feminine men or feminity in general. Why? Because I’m extremely feminine myself! So masculine men not necessarily bodywise, but in character) or masculine energy does it for me . Opposites attract liek poles repe4l. Sorry love, But for what its worth. I’ve checked you out and you are cute!!’