Maina Kageni touched on a subject that invariably affects many homes in Kenya-Deadbeat dads.
The host was unhappy with men who don’t take care of their kids!
Mwalimu King’ang’i himself was unbothered and countered by saying, “Women have a lot of money so what’s wrong with them raising their own children without support from the baby daddy?”
The responses to the topic by Kenyans were split along gender lines. Some of the best comments are below:
Are we saying that men are there for reproduction purposes only? I don’t think so cause when the kid is born ita like need money for this or that etc.
Maina a responsible man must not be there for financial support but their presence is so important and that’s all that matters a lot.
Women can’t survive minus men that’s y they even can’t sire children alone.. so they must be supported at all costs
Just the same way they are making us mother let them raise their kids Maina…
Kama huwezi Lea mtoi msahau. Mwanaume Ni effort no matter how little it is
Kinga’ang’i is now talking ,??
Kama huwezilea mtoto, fungia hizo sperms..
We try our best Sisi kama wanaume but according to you women our best is not the best
What is the best that you try to give? You want us to take care of the babies we sired together including you while you sit there and do nothing ama or while you drink and party your money but expect us to vumilia.
If he is leaving, he should leave and never come back, because I’m not raising the child for him and he thinks he will be back in his life, never!!!
Yeah. If he decides to leave let it be for good hata mimi if I walk out of that marriage am never looking back its once and for all. But am not going to tolerate irresponsible man just cz he is the father of my kids. Oooliskia wapi?
Men and their drama, I can’t believe in the 21st century men complain of raising their children, Men, if you can’t raise your own flesh and blood what can you do??????
Every woman needs a man and we can’t argue on that! Whether they need a man to get financial support or emotional support. It’s not about the money but a MAN!
I want to tell my baby daddy to forget about his kid wacha alishwe na wanaume engine.
Kulishwa na wanaume wengine c issue ata……when the kid will start to question for his/her dad….wat will u have to answer….it will come a point u will need the dad u’re “dumping”and that’s when u will know why kuku haiendi haja ndogo.
Correct…. she is a pastoralist.Let her go for green pastures elsewhere but how long before hair turns gray.
One day he will look for his dad. If not, you will be raising a sissy
Women should accept, adjust and move on. If we have separated and I have a family where do you expect me to get money from? If it’s over it’s over!
Tell this one he should carry his baby na aende nayo me I say if you’re not ready for kids keep horniness with you
Yaani some humans are just deadbeat
My dad left a long time ago only for him to come a few yrs back vile aliskia bado Niko campus nataka fees akapotea tena. Yet he married again na analea watoto WA wanaume wengine
And they should learn that in an easy way the earlier the better.
So the kids seize to eat when you get another family?
In my opinion, Men are not fully baked in matters family and Marriage
Maina, I once slept with a lady and after the chemistry, I gave her money to buy p2 na akaniambia alitumia. Ghasia after 2 months ananiambia ako na ball and maina you still want me to take care of the kid i had not decide to have, wee wacha buaana
Maina, do you know why the devil first approached a woman, then the man listened to a woman. The time a man gives in to a woman is the start of the downfall of a man. Men should stay firm.
I thought we live in a century where men and women are equal??Both parents have equal responsibility when it comes to taking care of the kids!!
These sons of Jezebel nowadays are useless.
And women who don’t care for their kids?
Women use children as bait.
Nani alikuambia umtie mimba?