A recent visit by MP Oscar Sudi to Tanzania to meet with Bongo star Diamond Platinumz alias Simba has left many people talking. Photos that have been circulating the internet showed the two seated on a luxurious chair having a conversation. The two come from two very different niches and this is what raised concerns among Kenyans.
Mwalimu Dida Kipkoech, a renowned political analyst has come out to allege what Sudi was doing in Tanzania. According to Dida, Sudi was on a fact finding mission about his life. Dida claims that he received this information from sources close to the renowned singer. The MP went to consult with Diamond on how he can achieve financial success.
“Oscar Sudi meets Diamond on a fact-finding mission. Sources familiar with the story have informed our admin that Oscar reached out to the musician after listening to Nitarejea. He wants to know how Diamond managed to make it even after saying “ata pesa sina”. Dida said in a post on X.
What do you have to say about this revelation by Mwalimu Dida? Dies it look realistic or it is just a post to criticize the MP? Share your thoughts in the comments section below. Follow the page for more news updates daily.