For some hours now a photo of Waithaka Wa Jane and Muthoni Wa Kirumba holding each other has been going viral leaving Kenyans talking. Muthoni is a popular Kikuyu radio presenter at kameme FM and she is always well grounded to be distracted by naysayers. On the other hand Waithaka Wa Jane is a popular Kikuyu benga musician who has moved from grass to fame through hard work and determination within the shortest period of time.
Waithaka shared the photo on his Facebook page and Kenyans were left saying the two might be dating. After Muthoni went on air yesterday alongside kameme FM presenter Man Simo, they decided to have the conversation after man Simo started the story. Man Simo said that there is a photo of her and Waithaka Wa Jane going viral and he wanted her to clarify on the issue because Kenyans are 50/50 that the two are dating.
In response to this Muthoni said that Kenyans should be 70/30 that they are dating because the probability of them dating is very high. She went ahead and said Waithaka is not a bad person and they are okey spending time together as well as doing business together. Man Simo warned her not to heartbreak the man because he knows her as a bad girl. Watch the full video below.
By Newsmedia