Residents Gitaimbuka, which is Murang’a County, are now mourning following an ugly incident which has left two couples dead in their house. According to the latest news from Citizen Digital page, the two were discovered by a neighbor who was curious about why the woman had not moved out of the house for some days.

However, she peeped through the window, and her eyes met with two dead bodies which were placed in different positions inside the bedroom of that mansion. The woman’s body was placed on the bed swathed in a bedsheet while her lover was dangling from a rope tied to the roof.

The circumstances surrounding the death of the two are yet to be determined. According to the lady who witnessed thus incident, the woman was widowed and was living with her last born child who was schooling during the incident.

According to some cases similar to the one above, a man might decide to first kill his lover then afterward hang himself using a roof in the same room to ensure they both die and terminate their relationship.

by: Scent

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