Since making a breakthrough in the online content Creation scenes YouTuber mungai Eve has consistently learned and always applied new antics to stay relevant in the ever growing industry just like likes of ever trending comedian Eric Omondi.

One of the ways to always keep Kenyans to always be on her case is her choice of dressing while posting a picture on her social media pages.

Mungai has always looked to impress her fan-base with jaw dropping clads like figure hanging dresses and even body shapers leaving netizens with little to imagine.

For instance one her latest dress code which has elicited huge reactions online, the lady in her early 20s was seen donning a denim like dress with many jeans patches attached to her lower part leaving Kenyans branding it ‘ coat of many color’.

In the post as seen in popular blog channel, Nairobi ghossip club, Even was seen donning in a skimp skirt underneath, black high boots and a black ‘breasts covering’ displaying a figure for all to drool while covering herself with the coat to complete her swagger.

by: Happy_nation.Inc

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