Popular comedian Mulamwah, known for his humor, found himself in a life-threatening situation, turning a routine journey from Eldoret to Nairobi into a harrowing experience.

At around 12:47 PM near Ngata Bridge just before Nakuru, Mulamwah’s car rolled several times in an attempt to avoid a sudden stop by the vehicle in front, leading to an unexpected and potentially tragic event.

In a heartfelt post, Mulamwah emphasized the divine intervention that spared him and his friend from severe harm. The caption, “Mulamwah GOD OF MANY CHANCES – MUNGU NI MWEMA,” reflects gratitude and acknowledgment of a higher power that ensured their safety during the perilous incident.

Mulamwah recounted the details of the incident, describing the emergency braking that triggered the evasive action, resulting in their car rolling multiple times. Despite the severity of the situation, Mulamwah and his friend emerged with only minor scratches, highlighting the significance of divine protection.

By Challynews

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