Mr Seed has mourned his former colleague, Ambrose Khan who died in a tragic road accident on April 29, 2023.Speaking about the accident through his Instagram page, Mr Seed described the deceased as a good friend and a humble person.”29/4/2023 is a day I will never forget in my life. I lost a brother, a humble guy I knew. I still can’t believe it. RIP Khan,” Seed said on his Instagram page.
The ‘Dawa ya Baridi’ hit singer used the opportunity to revive his memories with the deceased on the day of the accident.
In another post, Mr Seed shared a picture of himself standing by Khan’s grave on the day of his burial a few weeks ago where he looked very emotional.
He talked about how he was heartbroken when saying goodbye to the videographer who was the only one who died in the accident last month.
” May God give peace to your family members and all your friends and may God comfort all who know you too, ” Seed said.
About three weeks ago, the gospel musician battled physical injuries and attended the funeral of Ambrose Khan at his home in Igembe North, Meru county.
During the burial, Mr Seed was seen struggling to stand and walk when asked to greet mourners. He was also seen crying at the grave site of the deceased after he was buried in their farm.
Later, on his Instagram page, he uploaded a photo of himself standing next to Ambrose’s coffin and explained how he was hurt by the death of his best friend.
At the same time, he informed his fans that he will be taking a break from social media for an unspecified period of time to focus on his physical and mental health.
by: Rossy