In a recent video, Kenyan singer Mr. Seed shared his experience of being involved in a road accident on April 29. He said that he knocked his head hard on the car during the accident, and this has had a negative impact on his life.
Mr. Seed said that the doctor told him that his brain was injured during the accident, which now affects his ability to pay attention. He explained that he often loses consciousness, and people around him might mistakenly think he is paying attention to something when, in reality, his mind is far away. These blackout spells can last for up to five minutes.
Mr. Seed said that he now lives in fear, and as a result, his life revolves around staying at home. He said that he feels nervous when he leaves the house, and he is afraid of having another blackout.
The accident has also disrupted Mr. Seed’s career. He said that he has been unable to record music or shoot videos, and he feels like he is starting over as an artist.
However, Mr. Seed said that he has learned some valuable lessons from his experience. He said that he has learned the importance of loving and taking care of his family. He has also learned to appreciate the simple things in life, such as being able to walk and talk.
Mr. Seed’s story is a reminder of the importance of safety on the roads. He encourages people to drive carefully and to wear seatbelts. He also encourages people to be aware of the signs of a brain injury, and to seek medical attention if they think they have been injured.
By Ghafla