Mumias East MP Peter Salasya recently shared a nostalgic post on his Facebook account, reflecting on his past relationship with a former wife. In the post, Salasya revealed that they were in a come-we-stay marriage from 2016 to 2017 while living in Kakamega’s Juakali area. He humorously recalled their youthful days, mentioning how they used to argue and fight after drinking, but added that they have since moved on amicably.

Salasya expressed happiness for his ex-wife, who now runs a successful clothing business, and even joked about how he had good taste in women back then. He clarified that they are now just friends, noting there are no lingering romantic feelings between them, although someone else eventually fathered her child. Salasya also teased his followers, saying he plans to conduct an interview with her, where she will share more about their life together and how things have changed over the years.

The MP’s candid post gave a glimpse into his personal life, showing a lighter, more humorous side.

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