MP Oscar Sudi has joined workers at his Kapseret farm and he was spotted droving a ploughing tractor in preparation for the planting season.A video and photos of Oscar Sudi in action with the tractor has since gone viral on social media, in which he urged each and every individual to take action in helping curb food insecurity in the country.“This Easter season, I decided to spend time here at home and also to supervise the planting in my farm,” he wrote.
Kapseret legislator Oscar Sudi beat many odds to become successful and has shared images showing the lucrative farm he runs in his home constituency.
Sudi was born into an impoverished squatter family living around Kesses in Uasin Gishu county but always dreamt about being rich.
Sudi has over 20 calves housed in a secluded area. Another image depicted over 20 dairy cattle in a different section. Sudi’s cattle produce so much milk that a truck ferries it from the farm.
The farm sits on a vast land, and Sudi took his guests to where he grows crops.
In addition to politics, Sudi has made a name for himself in the Uasin Gishu county dairy industry, which is known as Kenya’s breadbasket.
Sudi just posted a video on his Instagram page showing off a trophy that New KCC gave him.
After a while, Sudi gave up selling charcoal and started working as a matatu tout before buying his public service car.
After a fruitful season, he also tried his hand at farming and made KSh 100,000. He then reinvested the money in a fuel company before constructing a KSh 100 million home.
By Newshub