Mp Oscar Sudi has visited Cheploch Gorge, in the photos shared Sudi took a photo with the divers. Hundreds of tourists who visit the area are attracted to the site by huge crowds on the roadside watching the diving sport.

There are about 14 divers stationed at the sidelines of the deep rocky gorge on the high cliffs of Kerio River, who jump into the gorge daily.

The divers jump over the iron bridge straddling the gorge to the bottom of the river, from the surface and run up the steep rock-faced wall in seconds. It’s scary.

Recently Kapseret MP Oscar Sudi responded to the claims that he dropped out of school at Standard Seven.

Sudi said he has managed to come all the way after dropping school and, therefore, he should be applauded.

“If I can manage to get this far just as class seven drop out then I deserve to be celebrated,” Sudi said.

However, Sudi dismissed media reports that he dropped out of school.

by: Rossy

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