Laikipia East MP Mwangi Kiunjuri has exposed the involvement of a high-ranking government official from the Mt. Kenya region in sponsoring recent protests. Speaking candidly, Kiunjuri detailed how the official funded demonstrations that culminated in the attack on Parliament.

“The day Parliament was attacked, four politicians from our region brought 20,000 protesters,” Kiunjuri disclosed.

His statement points to a coordinated effort by local leaders to mobilize a significant number of demonstrators, raising questions about the motives behind such a large-scale protest.

Kiunjuri elaborated on the origins of the protesters, noting that “3,000 came from Juja.” This specific mention indicates a significant contribution from the Juja area, highlighting the regional dynamics at play in the orchestration of the protests.

Crucially, Kiunjuri asserted that the funding for the demonstrations came from within the government itself.

“The office that offered the funding is known by the government and more importantly, the money was from government,” he stated.

This allegation suggested a serious breach of public trust, with government resources being diverted to support activities that disrupt public order and target democratic institutions.

The involvement of a top government official in such actions raises significant concerns about the integrity and accountability of those in power. If substantiated, these claims could have far-reaching implications for the political landscape and governance in Kenya.

The attack on Parliament marked a significant escalation in the ongoing unrest, and the disclosure of government involvement in funding the protests adds a new layer of complexity to the situation.

The identity of the government official and the full extent of their involvement remain to be uncovered. However, Kiunjuri’s statements have set the stage for further investigation and potential repercussions.

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