The head of state president Ruto has been receiving criticism from the Gen Zs amid withdrawal of the 2024/25 Finance Bill. It has been acknowledged that Ruto has been receiving demands day by day from the Gen Zs.

His last step he too towards responding to the Gen Zs demands was dissolving the Cabinet. One week down the line president Ruto dissolved the cabinet as directed by the Gen Zs after claiming that they are not delivering services as required.

Over the same new cabinets have been nominated to replace the fired cabinet secretaries with a desire of helping Ruto to Carry out government tasks. The new CS nominee for the Ministry of Water and Irrigation graduated with first-class honours from the University of Nairobi.

He is a youthful millennial who has worked in different companies. “He has over eight years of hands-on experience in operations and management of engineering projects,” State House, Kenya, stated. Ruto has fullfiled Gen Z’s demand of hiring young generation.

By Newshub

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