Today morning Maina Kageni and Mwalimu King’ang’i engaged Kenyans in a topic that has potent touched many Kenyans.
That of the stressors that are affecting most Kenyans? Maina asked, “What is stressing you right now and how are you handling your stress? I know if you go through social media no one looks like they are struggling.”
King’ang’i responded by saying, “Ile pressure Wakenya wako nayo saa hii. We have a lot going on in our minds. There is no money, watoto ndio hao wako kwa nyumba.”
The comments from Kenyans started rolling in and it showed that many people are really going through a lot right now with the biggest issue being that of financial constraints.
One respondent who claimed she was pregnant was so stressed she even asked Maina to let her stay with him! “Maina please nisongee kwako tukae na wewe. Mimi nikona mimba na nataka kukaa kwako juu hakuna stress,” she said.
Some other comments from Kenyans are below:
Mimi stress yangu ni nikiamka nitakula nini? Maina kazi iliisha.
Bwana yangu aliniwacha after I lost my job. Alienda na akaniblock kila mahali. I can’t find him.
Hello maina and kingangi, stress tuko nayo ni ya pesa tu aki….we are approaching Christmas but haikai hata…msooto
My 4yr old son is driving me crazy at home. I just take a novel and read coz if not I’ll cane him every min
Good morning Maina, Stress is just a mindset that negatively affect mind and its very dangerous if it advances to depression, so for me I’ve learnt to just live a stress free life and accept all that life gives me.
Forget social media Ita fake like…it’s like an exam you need to keep proving yourself everyday…You are a failure in person but successful in public…life of a lie.
Hello maina and kingangi, stress tuko nayo ni ya pesa tu aki….we are approaching Christmas Christmas tree but haikai hata…msooto
Maina am an ice cream and ice pop seller product from Lyons maid …now the biggest stress I have is when there is no sun can imagine I have to provide for my family sort out my chamas ..everyday and I also need to save for future and invest.
Kitu inani stress now ni Pesa to lakini Kuna ngine Sasa kubwaaaaaaaa kuliko stress cjui inaitwa aje?? Kuna mke wa wenyewe amekatalia kwangu. Maina Maina Maina Maina nitakufa Sasa
Such opportunities are rare man…relax and enjoy.
Instead of worrying about what you cannot control, shift your energy to what you can create. That’s what I believe
Maina stress ni mingi. Hizi manyumba za Nairobi wanalipisha vyenye wanataka. Hapa Bahati 1 bedroom ni 16k na bado wanaleta barua za kuongezea na hakuna kazi. Nyumba yenyewe hatutoshei. Utakosa stress aje? Tumechoka.
Maina mi niliamua sitarudi kujiekelea stress nishikwe na ulcers bure, I tackle everyday as it comes. I change what I can and what I can’t change I accept and move on. Watu wa loan walibeba vitu but I don’t have a choice, I know when things will get better nitabuy zingine bora uhai.
Being unwell and the fear to go to the hospital.. especially now that you are not sure about NHIF..
Saa hii stress ina adamana na mashinda,all we’re left with is hope and prayers
Hakuna lingine
I can’t be broke offline and online too,
Everyone is rich online but vitu kwa ground ni different.
Police cars revolving lightFIRE BRIGADE Fire engine DANIEL MACHARIA Ambulance
Financial Crisis Knocking Door Every Morning #MainaAndKingangi
Nimeshindwa ata kulipa fees ya my daughter life is hard #MainaAndKingangi