Coast-based singer Nyota Ndogo was forced to talk about her pregnancy amid concerns that her due date has lapsed.

The pregnant singer addressed speculations and scepticism around her pregnancy in a statement on social media.

The 43-year-old mother of two lamented that people are rushing her to give birth, insisting that she was not yet ripe to deliver her third child.

Nyota Ndogo disclosed that she conceived on May 27, 2023, at 1 pm and went on to urge doubting Thomases to make use of their calculators to determine the date she is to give birth.

“Sijui tuliachilie ama tusubiri tuzae.alafu mnaniarakisha kuzaa jamani.mimba iliingia may tarehe 27 saa saba usiku. Hesabuni,” Nyota Ndogo said.

The quadragenarian is expecting a third child sired by her 60-year-old Danish husband Henning Nielsen.

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Nyota Ndogo on September 5, 2023, posted on social media a photo of herself cradling her baby bump, albeit without directly announcing that she was pregnant.

She later confirmed that she was indeed expectant but cautioned that her Caucasian husband had barred her from talking about her pregnancy to the media.

The singer said her hubby has only allowed her to talk about her music career to the press.

“Samahanini sana nimekua kimya.nikekua bizi kazini kuleee kwa machapati maharage pilau.mpishi wangu ameenda mapumziko so saaa kumi na moja alfajiri bafaa kufika kazini.ahsanteni kwa hongera zenu.lakini media mtanisamehe mume wangu amesema hataki kuniona kwenye kituo chochote cha chochote cha radio TV ama police nikiongelea hali endapp nitatoa nyimbo interview iwe ya mimi na mziki wangu na sio ujauzito wangu.ama nisitoe mpaka nijifungue,” Nyota Ndogo wrote.

In another post last year, she hit back at critics castigating her for getting pregnant ‘in old age’.

“Wenye kusema mimi nimzee sifai kuzaa siku yakujifungua njooni musukume nyinyi maana nyie ndio mna nguvu zakusukuma. Kwanza mimi am only 42 bado mchanga sana. Happy birthday to me, oh sorry congratulations to me,” she wrote.

Nyota Ndogo celebrated her 43rd birthday on January 3, 2024, while her husband will turn 61 on January 27, 2024.

By K24

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