The self Proclaimed Luo Nyanza Kingpin Dr Miguna Miguna has his said that president William Ruto should do his best to communicate to Kenyans on the high cost of living.

“It’s true that Kenyans are hungry and extremely angry.

It’s true that Kenyans are disappointed by the slowness with which Kenya Kwanza administration is responding to their dire straits.

It’s true that Kenya Kwanza has failed to communicate effectively on whatever programs and concrete initiatives they have put in place to alleviate the biting High Cost Of Living.

It’s also true that Raila Odinga and his Azimio maniacs are taking advantage of the situation and causing havoc over problems they caused during the Hand Shake abuse of power and plunder.

But fellow Kenyans, destroying the highways, roads and property you paid for with your taxes and whose repair and reconstruction you will pay for isn’t the most productive way to express your anger.

At the end of the day, Raila Odinga will sleep soundly at his Karen, Kisumu, Opoda, Mombasa, Malindi, Johannesburg or Dubai mansions as you nurse your wounds, stay in jail or as your bereaved relatives bury you in shallow graves.

You have a right to protest peacefully. Not to cause mayhem and havoc. Remember that tomorrow, it’s your taxes that will pay for what you have destroyed”. Said Hon. Miguna Miguna the self Proclaimed Luo Nyanza Kingpin.

You can follow this link for more information for yourself;

by: PrincesNews

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