There have been misleading news regarding the dissaperance of a cab driver Mumbua Victoria Muloki. Yesterday there were news that she had been found somewhere in Uriri subcounty, as shared by Police spokesperson Resila Auma. She indicated that the woman looked like she had been molested and was taken to a medical facility.
However, reports from Migori Uriri OCPD says that the reports shared by the police spokesperson online are misleading and that the lady has not yet been found. The OCPD is now accusing conmen of peddling fake news so as to swindle money from the family.
The OCPD says that the family has already paid 70,000 to the conmen I’m relation to the woman’s dissaperance. He however adds that a search has been already launched for the person who is incharge of peddling the fake news, and that he may be also the one misleading about a Wajir MCA’s dissaperance. It is reported that the suspect is being traced to Got Kodero.
By Newshub