On Wednesday during the Mashujaa day celebrations in Kirinyaga county, President Uhuru announced the lifting of the nationwide curfew.
In his state address President Kenyatta said “”I hereby order that the nationwide dusk to dawn curfew that has been in effect from March 27, 2020, be and is hereby vacated with immediate effect,” Uhuru announced amid rapturous applause from those in the stadium.
KOT were elated and soon took to social media with memes. among those was a plea to Mejja to release a song for Friday. Here are a few
Thankyou Mr president for hearing the mwananchi’s cry and lifting the curfew. Businesses can now operate for 24hrs .yeeeyy
Na kwa Sasa mejja aamke atoe wimbo ya friday… #BoozeIsBack
Mejja in studio rn trying to brush lyrics fast before Friday
in the studio
I hope Mejja is in the studio coz we need something to sing to this Friday.
Mejja’s songs are highly used by partygoers, and it seems he heard it.
He has assured that he will release something.
He told “NiMeskia!!!! NiToe Solo Project Friday Ama………..”
chichidave…Changamka ?
nicks_kenya…??????wewe ni wetu milele??toa kitu bana
blade1128….Genjeness in abundance


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