Jeridah Andayi stands as a prominent figure in Kenya’s media landscape, serving as the Head of Radio Citizen at Royal Media Services. With a career spanning over two decades, she has captivated millions of Kenyans with her exceptional talent in radio presenting.

However, Jeridah’s influence extends far beyond the airwaves. As a mother of three, she finds profound fulfillment in nurturing her children and guiding them into empowered individuals. Her dedication to both her career and family exemplifies her remarkable balance and commitment to personal and professional excellence.

Despite her demanding schedule, Jeridah remains active on social media platforms like TikTok, where she shares glimpses of her family life. Through heartwarming content featuring her children, she offers a candid look into her role as a devoted mother and the joys of parenthood.

Recently, Jeridah’s daughter, Norah Zawadi, shared an amusing anecdote about her experiences during the first half of the term at Alliance Girls High School. In her narration, Norah expressed surprise upon discovering that she would be washing her clothes manually, unlike other schools with washing machines.

Despite initially feeling disheartened by the lack of such conveniences, Norah embraced the responsibility and found it to be a character-building experience. She acknowledged that the task toughened her and instilled a sense of responsibility as she learned to manage her chores independently like her peers.

Norah, the eldest daughter of Jeridah Andayi, not only possesses grace and elegance but also exhibits a vibrant personality that shines through in her various pursuits. Apart from excelling academically and adapting to new challenges like the transition to Alliance Girls High School, Norah is also passionate about creative activities.

In her free time, she enjoys indulging in hobbies such as painting, writing, and exploring the outdoors. Her adventurous spirit and artistic flair contribute to her multifaceted charm and beauty, making her a remarkable young woman with a bright future ahead.

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