Everyone knows how passionate Jalang’o is with Mr. Seed’s latest ‘Only one’ hit song featuring Masauti.
He fell so deep in love with it to a point which he even shared the link to the video on his Instagram bio.
Amazed by that, Mr. Seed who was in studio this morning said he knows how supportive the presenter is when it comes to his craft.
“The good thing about Jalas ni akipenda amependa, the first time he did that was with ‘Ohala’ and man ikifika mahali mtu anachukua link anaweka kwa bio yake it is a major thing,” said Mr. Seed.
Below are excerpts from the one on one interview with Kamene and Jalas;
How was it working with Masauti?
This song we wrote around 1am. Masauti and I met years ago and we have had quite a journey and we decided to work together and no one saw it coming.
We did the video due to public demand because I was not planning to.
What is it that he appreciates most about his wife Nimo?
Tulipatana na yeye kama Niko chini sana unajua ametoka Familia poa na ni mrembo na anatakwa na watu wengi na aliamua kukaa na mimi.
That time nilikuwa nimelose hope na mziki kabisa. So ni msee alisimama na mimi kabisa, halafu nilikuwa na esteem issues na nilikuwa najifungia kwa nyumba. She used to come and make me wake up and hustle and ignore what people are saying.
With this album nikasema nita direct kwa mtu mmoja na watu wengine waitumie kuongelesha watu wao.
The 28-year-old father of one says his biggest motivation in life is the fight against poverty.
Having been brought up in Mathare and Huruma the fear of poverty drives me. I remember there was a time I didn’t have a place to call my own.
Mimi nimejilea and nilianza kuwa responsible nikiwa young and nilijua kenye nataka.


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