In the last few hours or so, former Citizen TV news anchor Jacque Maribe has been left disappointed with some netizens.

This is because of how they have allegedly been trolling her endlessly, for being the reason why the Monica Kimani murder judgement has been postponed again today.

According to reports, Lady Justice Grace Nzioka postponed the ruling to March 15, 2024 after Jacque Maribe failed to appear in court citing illness.

Taking to her Instagram stories however, the former news anchor has clapped back at the alleged trolls, making it clear that her illness was indeed real and that she did not skip the court session on purpose.


Jacque Maribe also gave an example of a previous time when she was just courteous enough to tell the court that she would not be there, even though she did not need to.

“To humiliate someone because of ill health is so wrong. And to make it clear I have never missed court except once when I was ill. We are making it clear that in 5 years I fell ill. Kwani mwili yangu imejengwa na matofali?

Hata that time I supposedly sought time to travel, we were only being respectable enough to tell the court and there was no due date interfering with that” Jacque Maribe wrote.


Lady Justice Grace Nzioka actually postponed the ruling after Jacque Maribe’s co-accused in the Monica Kimani murder Jowie Irungu was the only one who appeared in court today.


The judge noted that everyone should be present physically in court as a measure of the integrity of the judicial system.

“There’s no provision for virtual today and if you tell me you’re unwell, I don’t know where you are. The integrity of the court proceedings must be observed. I would rather have an open court appearance”

“I have taken time off the course from February 8 to March 8, 2024, to write judgements. I am willing to say that all parties are to be available for March 15, 2024. I will need adequate time to deliver this judgement” Lady Justice Grace Nzioka said.


Last month, the judge again postponed the ruling on the Monica Kimani murder, citing that she had received exhibits a few hours before the ruling, which she needed to go through well before giving the verdict.

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