Herman Manyora has reacted after the story of apheth Nyakundi. a guy from Bonchari/kisii county who recently won Shs.10 million lottery over the weekend. He has found the love of his life, Christine Wamaitha who hails from Mathira/ Nyeri county, —One word of advice, encouragementā¦.for him.
Various netizens have alleged that, the lady did not fall for his face, that species and especially from the snowy peak of some heights can smell currency from 10Km away. This Guy must protect his transformer, Nyeri girls are famously known, for vandalising men’s transformers. And in few days that money will be no more and also C Wamaitha will not be seen anywhere near him.
Congratulations, Japheth! Run from Christine Wamaitha for safety and financial security. Remember to manage your newfound wealth wisely. Stay humble, focus on your goals, and consider long-term investments to ensure a prosperous future. Enjoy the journey! He’s done. Nyakundi run like you’ve never run before, drop her like hot iron. You’ll live to regret. The 10M will be gone in less than 2 months. He’s a fool to think of Wamaitha as the love of his life. Love morals not morons when money determine your love choices you are tripping.
Others have said, Women from Nyeri are very entrepreneurial. He has found a gem and very soon, he will be a multi-millionaire. In front of any successful man stands a beautiful woman ready to help him, he’s double blessed if she comes from MT kenya region. Don’t villify our African Queens. The woman prepares the crown for the man to manage. The power is conferred to the woman. He should watch the vultures When you see them circling,.
The operational term here is – he has found, not she found him. Let him enjoy, money is what money can buy you. That’s Why I like kikuyu ladies, they can smell cash, in kisii from miles away karatina , catch 101. Fare thee well bro ,we loved you but Wamaitha loved you more.
by: +254PW