In 2011, James Kisamba left his family unexpectedly, deserting his wife, Efulansi Nalubega, and their six children in a semi-permanent house on a two-acre plot in Busolo Village, Kayunga Sub-county, without any communication. Efulansi, who has a physical disability, was left to fend for the family alone. Over the years, despite her disability, she managed to support her family through farming and selling handcrafts.
Efulansi’s financial situation took a positive turn when she was selected as a beneficiary of the Parish Development Model (PDM) funds, launched by President Museveni’s government in February 2023. The initiative aims to improve the economic status of 39 percent of Uganda’s population that subsists hand-to-mouth.
With the PDM funds, she received Shs1 million, which she invested in maize cultivation. This venture was fruitful, yielding Shs2.3 million, enabling her to make significant improvements to their home and start building a kitchen.
The unexpected return of her husband last month, after 13 years, was triggered by news of her financial betterment through the PDM program. Although his return was unforeseen, Efulansi welcomed him back as he is the father of her children, and she plans to start a small business.
Kisamba, who admitted to leaving due to financial struggles, confirmed his permanent return, emphasizing the hardships of life without money. His story reflects a complex situation where personal failure and systemic support intersect, impacting family dynamics and community stability.