The community in Mukuru Kwa Njenga is in shock after an alleged abduction attempt on Pastor Wa Vijana, a volunteer who helped retrieve bodies from the Kware dumpsite in July. Reports by The Eastleigh Voice reveal that suspected police officers targeted him at Kware Rapture Church, seizing his phone before he escaped on a bodaboda. Local residents intervened, saving him, and have condemned the incident as a form of intimidation against volunteers aiding investigations.

This chilling development comes months after over ten bodies were discovered at the dumpsite. The bodies, mostly women, were tied in sacks and showed signs of burns and decomposition. The site, a former quarry turned dumpsite, became the focus of police investigations after the gruesome discovery in July.During the July operation, detectives from the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI), along with the Homicide Unit, oversaw body retrieval. Volunteers, including Pastor Wa Vijana, played a crucial role by descending into the dumpsite using ropes to recover the remains. One boat was also used in the search.

Preliminary reports suggested a similar method of killing, and Nairobi police boss Adamson Bungei confirmed that the victims were likely murdered elsewhere and dumped at the site. Post-mortem results revealed that the bodies had been there for one to two weeks. Human rights groups raised concerns that the number of victims might be higher due to the site’s size.

The abduction attempt on Pastor Wa Vijana has reignited fears in the community. Residents are calling for accountability and protection for those assisting in uncovering the truth. Nairobi police have promised thorough investigations, but the incident has left many questioning the safety of those seeking justice for the victims.Authorities are yet to identify those behind the murders or the recent intimidation. Meanwhile, residents vow to protect volunteers as the case continues to unfold.

By Kenyans

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