Content creator, Remi Lucidi , who is known for doing deadly stunts fell of a 68 story Hong Kong residential building.

According to the South China Post, the young man gained access to the building at 6pm by lying that he is going to visit a friend on the 40th floor.

The security guards called to confirm and found that he had lied but by the time they got to him, he had already taken the elevator.

From the building’s security footage, he took the lift to the 49th floor and then gained access to the top floors using the stairs.

The personnel believe that he then gained access to the roof by using the hatch which had been found open as they were pursuing him.

The last time he was seen alive was at 7:38pm where he had tapped on the window of the penthouse scaring the maid to call security.

Seems like the 30 year old was trapped outside the penthouse and him knocking was a sign of asking for help.

During one of his stunts
Remi Lucidi During one of his stunts
He unfortunately lost his balance in the progress and fell to his untimely death leaving behind his camera as proof of his stunts.

The late was known for doing extreme stunts and sport activities that were found in the camera he left behind by the police.

Most of his fans and followers used to refer to him as a daredevil as he liked climbing to the top of the highest and most dangerous skyscrapers.

After getting to the top he would take videos and selfies of him on top of the buildings and this earned him the title daredevil.

The reporters also got to speak to Gurjit Kaur who was the owner of the hostel where he was staying, that from their conversations, the man was young and so full of life.


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