Sex between human beings and animals in a common term is known as bestiality or zoophilia . Bestiality in the country has been taken in as a criminal offence and felony that can cost over seven years imprisonment according to section 162(b) of the penal Code. However it is unfortunate that even today there are people breaking the law with knowledge of its consequences .

A fourty year old man from Tharaka Nithi County , Maara constituency Chogoria ward has been busted pants down trying to sexually satisfy himself with a neighbours cow .

According to reports the man crept on the cowshed of his neighbour where he drove the cow to the milking shed , removed his clothes and started performing the act to it .

Loud noises from the cow woke the owner who went to check what the problem was . On arrival on the shed he found the man pants down but unluckily the man ran away after noticing that he was in danger .

Locals have called out the act saying that the man has been abusing drugs and he should be arrested with immediate effect because he might start turning into young girls and women .

by: Beyondgossip

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