Drama unfolded when a 22-year-old Kenyan man named Promise Karanja introduced his 42-year-old lover, Terryanne, to his relatives. The couple, accompanied by YouTuber Nicholas Kioko, embarked on what was supposed to be a momentous family meeting in Kahawa West. However, the event took an unexpected turn.
As the introductions began, Promise declared Terryanne to be his “better half” and professed his love for her. Seeking his mother’s approval, Promise was met with a surprising twist. Friends and family members spoke out vehemently against the relationship instead.
One woman, clad in pink, questioned the authenticity of their love due to their significant age difference. She criticized Promise, insinuating that Terryanne’s financial resources might have influenced his feelings. Despite Promise’s attempts to reassure the family by holding Terryanne’s hand, tensions escalated further.
The situation deteriorated as more family members expressed their disapproval. Another woman emphasized Terryanne’s extensive life experience, deeming the relationship implausible. Amidst the heated exchange, the couple’s public displays of affection drew the ire of the family.
One woman threatened to disown Promise if he persisted in his relationship with Terryanne. She offered to help him find a younger partner more suitable for the family’s approval. Her sentiments were echoed by others who perceived the age gap as insurmountable.
Despite a younger woman’s more accepting viewpoint, the prevailing sentiment led to Promise and Terryanne being forcibly ousted from the premises. The women delivered a final ultimatum: “Go and never come back.”
This encounter highlighted the challenges faced by couples grappling with significant age differences, shedding light on the clash between tradition and personal choice. The emotional confrontation and ultimate rejection serve as a poignant reminder of the complexities that can arise when love defies societal norms.
by: Trending_newstar