In today’s episode, Fatima and Major are ready for the big wedding. Fatima has prepared herself and can’t wait to be Mrs. Major Jabali. Visitors have arrived for the wedding.

Bi Ua enters Major’s room and begs him to accompany her to the hospital. Major refuses and tells Bi Ua should wait because he has wedding few hours to come. Bi Ua tells him to stop the wedding and do it another day for the sake of their sick daughter Sultana. Major will not agree with Bi Ua and is ready to do the wedding.

Bi Ua tells Major that Sada was right that always full of himself and doesn’t care about other people, especially his daughter. Major tells Bi Ua that is doing the wedding because he cares especially about his daughter. Bi Ua tells him that if he cares for Sultana should postpone his wedding and do it when Sultana is fully recovered. Major will not accept and Bi Ua will leave while crying.

by: Chistina0


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