In today’s episode Major and Fatima have walked a long distance and don’t know where they are going. Fatima tells Major they should withdraw money and run to Tanzania. Major tells Fatima it’s risky to go to the city for withdrawal because the police are looking for them. Fatima tells him they must find Mpesa to have enough cash to stay in Tanzania. Major tells her it’s a good idea but must see Sultana. Fatima tells Major to forget about Sultana because she can’t visit him at the jail in case he gets arrested.
Fatima and Major will manage to withdraw some cash. Fatima will give Major some shares. Major will not be contented with the small cash but Fatima tells him that he should be grateful.
Fatima and Major while counting the money will be attacked by a thug with a gun. The thug will order them to give him everything or else will kill them. Fatima will give out her bag with all the money, the phone, and the watch. Major’s money and watch will be grabbed and will be left with nothing.
Fatima and Major will run hopelessly and don’t what to do because they have no money or phones. Fatima tells Major they should return to the city. Major will not accept because the police may find them or be killed by mob justice because their bad news is all over.
by: Chistina0