Ogopa Kanairo! The way people are moving on from one relationship to another is just so sickening. Is there true love in this city? The manner in which people are exchanging partners will discourage you from getting yourself in any kind of relationship. Take an example of Mulamwah & his ex-girlfriend Sonie.
Both seem to have already moved on even after siring a kid together; with Mulamwah being the first one to replace Carrol with some chick named Ruth. He first introduced Ruth to the public less than a month after confirming they were no longer dating with Carrol.
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Eventually, Carrol seems to have bagged herself a new man too. What we thought was all for clout is has now been mitigated. Carrol is reportedly seeing kenyan singer Madini Classic; who already had a wife, but decided to dump her for Carrol; with reasons we’re yet to fathom.
A photo that circulated on social media showed Madini and Carrol hugging suggestively, and Madini’s caption on the photo read;
”Call me Mr. Polygamous wife number 2.”
Netizens believed this was a kiki stunt, but Madini’s wife reached out at Nairobi Gossip Club to express her dissapointment upon learning that the two were seeing each other behind her back.
She also confirmed that the two are actually dating after talking stages that went on for a while. Check the screenshot below;
The girlfriend shortly went on her Instagram Live and lamented heavily over the issue. But Carrol has since shared her side of the story, maintaining that it’s actually a music video.
Read also; Carrol Sonnie distances herself from Madini Classic after wife accuses her of wrecking marriage
Who are we supposed to believe in this?