Mr Ezekiel Machogu is the cabinet secretary for education in the country. He says that even though floods delayed schools opening again after the holidays, they have plans to make sure studies can still go well.To make up for the missed time, the education ministry will make the second school term holiday shorter. This means the second term will be longer to cover the work that was missed when opening was delayed.

The floods caused problems in some parts of the country. This made it hard for some schools to open on the planned date after the holiday break. Some schools had to stay closed a bit longer until the flood waters went down.But Mr Machogu says they are committed to making sure students do not miss too much learning time, even with this delay. By shortening the upcoming mid-year holiday, they can add those days to the second term schedule.

Schools will still have a break, but it won’t be as long. The time taken off the holiday will be added to the second term’s duration. This way, there is more time for teaching and learning to cover what was disrupted.The education secretary understands the importance of schools running smoothly and minimizing disruptions to the academic calendar. While natural events like floods are hard to control, they are adjusting the term dates to compensate.

The goal is for students to complete all the planned lessons and curricula for their grade levels this year, despite the setback caused by the floods earlier. A shorter holiday makes up for the days lost at the start of term.Teacher unions and school organizations support this plan to reschedule the breaks and term duration. They agree it is important to prioritize restoring the full instructional time for subjects after the interruption.

School reopening dates already shifted in the flood-affected areas to allow clean up and safety checks first. Now this calendar shift allows the full learning coverage nationwide despite that delay.

The cabinet secretary announces changes to stretch the second term by a few weeks using days from the mid-year vacation time. This ensures the full amount of instructional time occurs even after the floods disrupted the start of the new term. Theaten school holiday will be shorter to enable slightly longer class time to make up for it.

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