Drama ensued in a Kithyoko market from the Ithanga area in Masinga Sub County in Machakos County as a 39-year-old woman’s uterus fell out after shoplifting goods from a supermarket.

Credible reports reaching our news desk from Musyi FM through their Facebook page reveal that the woman had just finished shopping and hid several goods in her body and walked out before the incident happened.

Women from the town were forced to use their sheets to cover the woman from shame after the uterus protruded after stealing the goods.

Preliminary reports indicate that the woman had been caught by protective charms set by the owner of the supermarket after she stole the goods.

Following the incident, the woman bled profusely and collapsed before being rushed to Machakos County Referral Hospital for treatment.

While confirming the incident, Kithyoko Chief said the woman is currently admitted to the Machakos County Referral Hospital’s intensive care unit (ICU) as doctors conduct major surgery.

The woman is expected to be arraigned in a Machakos court and be charged with theft.

We wish quick recovery to the Machakos woman.

By Newshub

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