Nairobi County’s women representative, Esther Muthoni Passaris, on Wednesday, September 8, excited a crowd when she urged people to join ODM to get some Luo love.
While trying to convince the Mt Kenya residents to support Orange Democratic Movement Party leader Raila Odinga, Passaris said Luo men know how to love.
According to the women rep, joining the party meant they would receive genuine love.
“Let me tell you, Luo men know how to love. When most Kikuyu women look for romance, they know where to go. So, what I want to tell is that when you come to ODM, you will receive the genuine love,” said Passaris amid claps as the crowd cheered her on.
Passaris made the remarks while speaking at Chungwa House as Raila Odinga received defectors from other parties.
The 56-year-old politician’s sentiments could harp on a common stereotype.
On social media, Luo men are perceived as ambitious, and their taste for good things in life sometimes mislead many young women into thinking that life is a bed of roses without thorns.
Over the years, they have always been associated with being too romantic.
And Passaris is not the only politician to call on this stereotype.
Some years back, Meru Governor Kiraitu Murungi made similar remarks during a wedding between a Luo and a Kikuyu. Kiraitu expressed his shock when people from the Luo side came to the wedding in style after arriving at the venue in choppers.
He later praised Luo men saying, “No Meru man can take care of a woman like the Luo. In Meru, the men concentrate on buying land, but the Luo man puts more importance on making his wife happy. Wajaluo wapigiwe makofi!”
Even women have severally stated their reasons for preferring brothers from the lakeside.
While speaking to the Nairobian, Loise Wairimu, an IT technician, said she found Luo men irresistible for two reasons.
“First, Luo men are great in bed and they have bigger junks compared to our men and secondly, they go the extra mile in relationships. A Luo man will make you feel you are the only one in the relationship even if you are many. When you meet him he is already using sweet words like babe, honey, my wife, which is very romantic.”
Wairumu also said they’re better providers ensuring “you have what you need and they are gentlemen so we love them but our Central brothers do not care much about chivalry.”
Rachel Wangeci, a sales representative, agreed and argued that her brothers from Central Kenya hardly put effort in relationships and the moment you ‘enter his box’ he treats you like a woman who has five of his kids.
“Being romantic is not in their dictionary, they behave the way their fathers treated their wives. Luo men make an effort to celebrate things and treat you well even in bed,” she explained.


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