Luo Gospel singer Florence Roberts has passed away after a brief illness.
The news of her death was shared by fellow artist and producer Wuod Fibi on his Facebook page.
However, Wuod Fibi did not disclose the specific illness that Florence suffered from.
“A general has rested! This one is so sad. Rest well, my sister Florence Roberts; your songs will forever be a blessing to many generations to come,” Wuod Fibi wrote.
Florence Roberts had previously tested HIV positive but later declared that she had been healed from the deadly disease through her faith in God.
“I was healed of HIV when I was a young girl. One day, I got engaged, and we went to the hospital to get tested before our wedding. I tested positive, but he didn’t. I was left alone. I was confused, discouraged, and I even questioned God. I asked, ‘Where is God? I can praise Him and do all these things, yet I still have this problem?’ I didn’t know myself,” she revealed.
“I wanted to settle down. I returned to prayer. I couldn’t talk to anyone. Some things cannot be hidden. I struggled a lot to move forward. I would go to prayer and just cry. I released the pain to God. I waited for another ten years before I got married,” she added.
“God made me strong for the ministry during this period. I didn’t go to the hospital or take any medication for the disease. After getting married, we went to the hospital, and I tested negative. This is just how God works. Almost 30 or 40 years later, I haven’t taken any medication, and I’m still fine,” she further explained.
By BiggestKaka